Myanmar Past Projects

Maternal and Child Health Improvement
(Period:2014.08-2017.08 Project Site: Tatkon Township, Nay Pidaw)
The three year project PHJ implemented since 2014 was completed in 2017. This project targeted the 7,000 women of Tatkon Township who are in the childbearing age to have access to basic maternal and child health care service in safe environment.
■Enhancement of referral system
PHJ donated a secondhand ambulance from Japan to Tatkon Health Department for emergency transport and organized promotion activities to enhance its effective usage. The ambulance was mainly used for transportation of patients from Tatkon Township Hospital (secondary medical facilities) to Nay Pidaw Hospital (tertiary care facilities).
■Construction of medical facilities and donation of medical equipment
PHJ built three new sub-centers equipped with delivery bed, bed, and chairs, and extended health care services by the resident midwives. At one village under one of the sub-centers, the delivery at medical facilities (hospitals) increased from 38.8% to 51.6% (hospitals and sub-centers) in one year after the construction of sub-center as shown on Table 1 (trend of delivery place)

One of the newly constructed sub-centers used for general medical check in addition to child birth.

■Training of midwives and auxiliary midwives
PHJ extended knowledge and skill improvement training covering health check, delivery attendant, postpartum check toward 48 midwives.
PHJ also organized periodical meetings of midwives and auxiliary midwives as well as cooperation of midwives at hospitals and auxiliary midwives at villages.

Midwive participating in the training. As one midwife takes care of 3,000 to 10,000 women, their skill improvement is very important.

■Health education to maternal and child health promoters
During the three years, PHJ trained 50 MCH promoters in villages covered by five sub-centers.
At each sub-center and village, PHJ extended monthly maternal and child health education and 809 women, during their pregnancy or after child birth, received the MCH education.

MCH promoter is organizing the maternal and child health education to pregnant women and postpartum women.